Post Ticketing Fees

  • Passenger type: Adult, Kid, Elder, Baby, Scholar, Armed Forces
  • Service fees are charged on a per-passenger basis for changes, refunds, cancellations, & any future credit.
  • Taxes and fees imposed by the government are subject to change and may vary. You will only pay for the final amount quoted by our agent or indicated on our website.

Important Notes:

  • All post-ticket service charges and reservation fees are non-refundable & can change at any time without notice. In addition to that, our fee is also subject to any other charges imposed by airlines or other suppliers.
  • Refunds and future credits from airlines are subject to the fare regulations of the airline as well as its procedures and policies.
  • All cancellations involving hotels and holidays come with the charge required by either the hotel or the airline (if any).

Special Services:

All special services are given upon request ONLY, and are subject to the review & approval of the airline or supplier. Special Service Fees are charged only if the service(s) are available and will be refunded ONLY when the airline or supplier declines the request made by them.

Refund Requirements:

  • Misspelled Name: The name on the ticket of the passenger doesn’t correspond with the details in the passport or any other nationally recognized identification.
  • Denying Visa/Passport: An official letter for rejecting a visa/passport is usually needed to facilitate demand processing.
  • Handlers of Luggage: Please keep your luggage records & labels.
  • Nonappearance: We need documents stating what prevented or disabled you from attending the trip booked by you.
  • Refused Entry: You will present documents to establish why they stopped you from boarding your flight earlier.
  • Same Itineraries Taken Again for Payments: Indicate all remaining tickets for travel done only with us, as it is a requirement to begin handling refund requests.
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